Intensity Based Registration ============================ Intensity based registration refers to a set of algorithms that try to solve the registration problem via per sample maximization of an image similarity metric. ANTsPy ------ We provide a very simple interface to an existing registration package caled **ANTsPy**. To find out more about the original package we refer the reader to - `github `_ - `docs `_ To use **ANTsPy** within :code:`atlalign` one can simply use :code:`atlalign.non_ml.antspy_registration`. See below a minimal example. .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from atlalign.base import DisplacementField from import circles from atlalign.non_ml import antspy_registration random_state = 4 shape = (200, 230) p_drop_pixel = 0.1 df = DisplacementField.generate(shape, approach='affine_simple', scale_x=1.4) img_ref = circles(1, shape, radius=75, n_levels=15, random_state=random_state)[0,..., 0] img_mov = df.warp(img_ref) to_drop = np.random.choice((True, False), p=(p_drop_pixel, 1 - p_drop_pixel), size=shape) img_ref[to_drop] = 0 df_mov2ref_anstpy, _ = antspy_registration(img_ref, img_mov) df_mov2ref_truth = df.pseudo_inverse() img_reg_antspy = df_mov2ref_anstpy.warp(img_mov) img_reg_truth = df_mov2ref_truth.warp(img_mov) fig, ((ax_ref, ax_mov), (ax_reg_antspy, ax_reg_truth)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 15)) ax_ref.imshow(img_ref) ax_ref.set_axis_off() ax_ref.set_title('Reference') ax_mov.imshow(img_mov) ax_mov.set_axis_off() ax_mov.set_title('Moving') ax_reg_antspy.imshow(img_reg_antspy) ax_reg_antspy.set_axis_off() ax_reg_antspy.set_title('Registered - ANTsPy') ax_reg_truth.imshow(img_reg_truth) ax_reg_truth.set_axis_off() ax_reg_truth.set_title('Registered - Ground Truth') .. image:: ../_images/antspy.png :width: 600 :alt: ANTsPy :align: center