Source code for

"""A set of function generating simple datasets.

All returned np.ndarrays should have dtype=np.float32 and intensities in range[0, 1] just to prevent scaling issues
withing ML models.

    The package atlalign is a tool for registration of 2D images.

    Copyright (C) 2021 EPFL/Blue Brain Project

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import json
import os
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np
from skimage.draw import disk
from skimage.util import img_as_float32

from atlalign.base import GLOBAL_CACHE_FOLDER

warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning)

[docs]def rectangles(n_samples, shape, height, width, n_levels=3, random_state=None): """Generate simple rectangles whose intensities gradually change. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate. shape : tuple Represents the (height, width) of the output image (not the rectangle). height : int or tuple If int, then fixed size. If tuple than (height_min, heigh_max) and sampled uniformly. width : int or tuple If int, then fixed size. If tuple than (width_min, width_max) and sampled uniformly. n_levels : int or tuple, optional If int, then fixed levels. If tuples, then (n_levels_min, n_levels_max) and sampled uniformly. random_state : int, optional If int, then results are reproducible. Returns ------- dataset : np.ndarray Of shape (n_samples, shape[0], shape[1], 1). """ if not len(shape) == 2: raise ValueError( "The shape needs to have a length of 2. Current {}".format(len(shape)) ) h_img, w_img = shape if not ( isinstance(height, (int, tuple)) and isinstance(width, (int, tuple)) and isinstance(n_levels, (int, tuple)) ): raise TypeError( "Wrong type! height, width and n_levels need to be int or tuple" ) height_min, height_max = ( height if isinstance(height, tuple) else (height, height + 1) ) width_min, width_max = width if isinstance(width, tuple) else (width, width + 1) n_levels_min, n_levels_max = ( n_levels if isinstance(n_levels, tuple) else (n_levels, n_levels + 1) ) if not (h_img >= height_max and w_img >= width_max): raise ValueError("The rectangle is too big!") if not (height_min > n_levels_max and width_min > n_levels_max): raise ValueError("Too many levels") dataset_list = [] for _ in range(n_samples): img = np.zeros(shape, dtype="float32") if random_state is None: pass else: random_state += 1 # We want reproducible but different for each iteration np.random.seed(random_state) height_ = np.random.randint(height_min, height_max) width_ = np.random.randint(width_min, width_max) n_levels_ = np.random.randint(n_levels_min, n_levels_max) ul_r = np.random.randint(0, h_img - height_) ul_c = np.random.randint(0, w_img - width_) direction = np.random.choice(["up_down", "left_right"]) # direction = 'up_down' if direction == "up_down": per_level = height_ // n_levels_ r = ul_r intensity = 1 / n_levels_ while r <= ul_r + height_ and intensity <= 1: img[r : r + per_level, ul_c : ul_c + width_] = intensity r += per_level intensity += 1 / n_levels_ elif direction == "left_right": per_level = width_ // n_levels_ c = ul_c intensity = 1 / n_levels_ while c <= ul_c + width_ and intensity <= 1: img[ul_r : ul_r + height_, c : c + per_level] = intensity c += per_level intensity += 1 / n_levels_ else: pass dataset_list.append(img[:, :, np.newaxis]) return np.array(dataset_list, dtype="float32")
[docs]def circles(n_samples, shape, radius, n_levels=3, random_state=None): """Generate simple nested circles whose intensities gradually change. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate. shape : tuple Represents the (height, width) of the output image (not the rectangle). radius : int or tuple If int, then all the outer circle always the same radius. If tuple, then represents (radius_min, radius_max) and the actual radius for a given sample is sampled from a uniform distribution. n_levels : int or tuple, optional If int, then fixed levels (nested circles). If tuples, then (n_levels_min, n_levels_max) and sampled uniformly. random_state : int, optional If int, then results are reproducible. Returns ------- dataset : np.ndarray Of shape (n_samples, shape[0], shape[1], 1) """ if not (isinstance(radius, (int, tuple)) and isinstance(n_levels, (int, tuple))): raise TypeError("The radius has a wrong type of {}".format(type(radius))) if not len(shape) == 2: raise ValueError( "The shape needs to have a length of 2. Current {}".format(len(shape)) ) height, width = shape dataset_list = [] radius_min, radius_max = ( radius if isinstance(radius, tuple) else (radius, radius + 1) ) n_levels_min, n_levels_max = ( n_levels if isinstance(n_levels, tuple) else (n_levels, n_levels + 1) ) center_c_min, center_c_max = radius_max + 1, width - radius_max - 1 center_r_min, center_r_max = radius_max + 1, height - radius_max - 1 if not (2 * radius_max < width and 2 * radius_max < height): raise ValueError( "The radius is too high. Needs to be at max half of the min(height, width)" ) for _ in range(n_samples): img = np.zeros(shape, dtype="float32") if random_state is None: pass else: random_state += 1 # We want reproducible but different for each iteration np.random.seed(random_state) c = np.random.randint(center_c_min, center_c_max) r = np.random.randint(center_r_min, center_r_max) n_levels_ = np.random.randint(n_levels_min, n_levels_max) outer_radius = np.random.randint(radius_min, radius_max) direction = np.random.choice(["incr", "decr"]) # From outer circle to center radi = np.linspace( outer_radius / n_levels_, outer_radius, n_levels_ ) # Equally spaced intensity = 1 / n_levels_ if direction == "incr" else 1 for rs in reversed(radi): # Start from the largest circle res = disk((r, c), rs) img[res] = intensity if direction == "incr": intensity += 1 / n_levels_ else: intensity -= 1 / n_levels_ dataset_list.append(img[:, :, np.newaxis]) return np.array(dataset_list, dtype="float32")
[docs]def annotation_volume(path=None): """Output a dataset created of 528 consecutive coronal slice annotations. Notes ----- As opposed to other datasets in this module the output ndim is 3 since we are not expecting to use this as a channel in an input. Parameters ---------- path : str or None or LocalPath An absolute path to the underlying .npy file. If not speficied then a default one used. Returns ------- x_atlas : np.ndarray An array of shape (528, 320, 456) representing the consecutive coronal slices. The dtype is np.int32 and the number represent distinct classes. """ path = path or (GLOBAL_CACHE_FOLDER / "annotation.npy") atlas_volume = np.load(str(path)).astype( "int32" ) # saved as float but actually just integers return atlas_volume
[docs]def nissl_volume(path=None): """Output a dataset created of 528 consecutive coronal slices with Nissl staining. Parameters ---------- path : str or None or LocalPath An absolute path to the underlying .npy file. If not speficied then a default one used. Returns ------- x_atlas : np.ndarray An array of shape (528, 320, 456, 1) representing the consecutive coronal slices. The dtype is np.float32 """ path = path or (GLOBAL_CACHE_FOLDER / "nissl.npy") atlas_volume = np.load(str(path)).astype( "uint8" ) # saved as float but actually just integers atlas_volume_float = np.array( [img_as_float32(slc) for slc in atlas_volume] ) # deals with scaling too! return atlas_volume_float[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
[docs]def manual_registration(path=None): """Return all manual registration done with the new labeling tool. Parameters ---------- path : str or None or LocalPath An absolute path to the underlying .h5 file. If not speficied then a default one used. Returns ------- res : dict Dictionary where keys are corresponding dataset names. The values are numpy arrays. """ path = path or (GLOBAL_CACHE_FOLDER / "manual_registration.h5") with h5py.File(str(path), "r") as f: return {k: f[k][:] for k in f.keys()}
def _get_all_ids(folder): """Return a set of all integers that occur at a beginning of a file name. Notes ----- We want to extract all image_ids withing a section dataset folder. Used within `csaba_registration`. Parameters ---------- folder : str Absolute path to a folder. Returns ------- res : set Set of all image_ids. We use ``set`` in order to avoid duplicates. """ res = set() for _, _, files in os.walk(folder): for f in files: maybe = f.split("_")[0] try: res.add(int(maybe)) except ValueError: # Impossible to convert to int - the string doesnt look like 'NUMBER_whatever' pass break return res def _get_section_numbers(folder, id_list): """For a list of section image ids find section numbers. Notes ----- Used within `csaba_registration`. Note that these section numbers are manually read from text files. Allen's API is not used. Parameters ---------- folder : str Absolute path of a folder. id_list : list List of image ids. Returns ------- res : dict The keys are image_ids and the values are section numbers. """ res = {} for id_ in id_list: file_path = folder + "{}_section_id.txt".format(id_) with open(file_path) as f: try: res[id_] = int( except Exception: pass return res
[docs]def segmentation_collapsing_labels(path=None): """Segmentation collapsing tree. Parameters ---------- path : str or None or LocalPath An absolute path to the underlying .json file. If not speficied then a default one used. Returns ------- json_file : dict Dictionary containing all the labels in a tree structure. """ path = path or (GLOBAL_CACHE_FOLDER / "annotation_hierarchy.json") with open(str(path), "r") as json_file: json_dict = json.load(json_file) return json_dict