Source code for atlalign.ml_utils.layers

"""Custom keras layers."""

    The package atlalign is a tool for registration of 2D images.

    Copyright (C) 2021 EPFL/Blue Brain Project

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import (
from tensorflow_addons.image import resampler

[docs]def K_meshgrid(x, y): """Generate meshgrid. Notes ----- Not part of Keras backend convertor. """ return tf.meshgrid(x, y)
[docs]def get_initial_weights(previous_layer_size): """Initialize affine matrix to identity transformation. Notes ----- It makes a lot of sense to set the behavior before training to learning an identity transformation. Parameters ---------- previous_layer_size : int Size of the previous dense layer. Returns ------- initial_weights : list A list of 2 numpy ndarrays: 1) weight matrix, shape (previous_layer_size, 6) 2) biases, shape (6,) """ b = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype="float32") b[0, 0] = 1 b[1, 1] = 1 W = np.zeros((previous_layer_size, 6), dtype="float32") weights = [W, b.flatten()] return weights
[docs]class BilinearInterpolation_(Layer): """Perform bilinear interpolation as a Keras layer. Notes ----- Currently only works with tensorflow backend since we need to use tf.meshgrid. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # noqa super(BilinearInterpolation_, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): """Compute output shape. Notes ----- This is a mandatory method to implement for custom Keras layers. Parameters ---------- input_shapes : list A list of the shape of images to be warped and the dvfs respectively. - images to be warped : (batch_size, h, w, 1) - dvfs : (batch_size, h, w, 2) Returns ------- None Batch size height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. n_channels : int Number of channels, should be 1. """ height, width, n_channels = input_shapes[0][1:] return None, height, width, n_channels
[docs] def call(self, tensors, mask=None): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- tensors : list A list of two elements - images to we warped and the displacement vector fields. Their shapes are the following - images to be warped : (batch_size, h, w, 1) - dvfs : (batch_size, h, w, 2) mask : None Returns ------- output : K.Tensor Warped images with the provided dvfs. Shape (batch_size, h, w, 1). """ imgs, dvfs = tensors # dimensions as tensors batch_size = K.shape(imgs)[0] height = K.shape(imgs)[1] width = K.shape(imgs)[2] num_channels = K.shape(imgs)[3] sampled_grids = self._create_grid(dvfs, batch_size, height, width) interpolated_images = self._interpolate(imgs, sampled_grids) new_shape = (batch_size, height, width, num_channels) interpolated_images = K.reshape(interpolated_images, new_shape) return interpolated_images
def _create_grid(self, dvfs, batch_size, height, width): """Create a regular grid. Returns ------- sample_grid : K.Tensor Regular grid. """ # making a single regular grid x_linspace = K.arange(0, width, dtype="int32") y_linspace = K.arange(0, height, dtype="int32") x_coordinates, y_coordinates = K_meshgrid(x_linspace, y_linspace) x_coordinates_f = K.flatten(x_coordinates) y_coordinates_f = K.flatten(y_coordinates) grid = K.expand_dims(K.stack([x_coordinates_f, y_coordinates_f], 0), 0) grids = K.tile(grid, K.stack([batch_size, 1, 1])) regular_grid = K.cast( K.reshape(grids, (batch_size, 2, height * width)), dtype="float32" ) dvfs_ = K.permute_dimensions(dvfs, [0, 3, 1, 2]) sampled_grid = K.reshape(dvfs_, (batch_size, 2, -1)) + regular_grid return sampled_grid def _interpolate(self, image, sampled_grids): """Perform the actual interpolation. Parameters ---------- image : K.Tensor sampled_grids : K.Tensor Returns ------- warped_image : K.Tensor """ batch_size = K.shape(image)[0] height = K.shape(image)[1] width = K.shape(image)[2] num_channels = K.shape(image)[3] x = K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 0:1, :]) y = K.flatten(sampled_grids[:, 1:2, :]) # x = .5 * (x + 1.0) * K.cast(width, dtype='float32') # y = .5 * (y + 1.0) * K.cast(height, dtype='float32') x0 = K.cast(x, "int32") x1 = x0 + 1 y0 = K.cast(y, "int32") y1 = y0 + 1 max_x = int(K.int_shape(image)[2] - 1) max_y = int(K.int_shape(image)[1] - 1) x0 = K.clip(x0, 0, max_x) x1 = K.clip(x1, 0, max_x) y0 = K.clip(y0, 0, max_y) y1 = K.clip(y1, 0, max_y) pixels_batch = K.arange(0, batch_size) * (height * width) pixels_batch = K.expand_dims(pixels_batch, axis=-1) flat_output_size = ( K.int_shape(image)[1] * K.int_shape(image)[2] ) # must be an integer base = K.repeat_elements(pixels_batch, flat_output_size, axis=1) base = K.flatten(base) # base_y0 = base + (y0 * width) base_y0 = y0 * width base_y0 = base + base_y0 # base_y1 = base + (y1 * width) base_y1 = y1 * width base_y1 = base_y1 + base indices_a = base_y0 + x0 indices_b = base_y1 + x0 indices_c = base_y0 + x1 indices_d = base_y1 + x1 flat_image = K.reshape(image, shape=(-1, num_channels)) flat_image = K.cast(flat_image, dtype="float32") pixel_values_a = K.gather(flat_image, indices_a) pixel_values_b = K.gather(flat_image, indices_b) pixel_values_c = K.gather(flat_image, indices_c) pixel_values_d = K.gather(flat_image, indices_d) x0 = K.cast(x0, "float32") x1 = K.cast(x1, "float32") y0 = K.cast(y0, "float32") y1 = K.cast(y1, "float32") area_a = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y1 - y)), 1) area_b = K.expand_dims(((x1 - x) * (y - y0)), 1) area_c = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y1 - y)), 1) area_d = K.expand_dims(((x - x0) * (y - y0)), 1) values_a = area_a * pixel_values_a values_b = area_b * pixel_values_b values_c = area_c * pixel_values_c values_d = area_d * pixel_values_d return values_a + values_b + values_c + values_d
[docs]class BilinearInterpolation(Layer): """Implementation using tf.contrib.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # noqa super(BilinearInterpolation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): """Compute output shape. Notes ----- This is a mandatory method to implement for custom Keras layers. Parameters ---------- input_shapes : list A list of the shape of images to be warped and the dvfs respectively. - images to be warped : (batch_size, h, w, 1) - dvfs : (batch_size, h, w, 2) Returns ------- None Batch size height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. n_channels : int Number of channels, should be 1. """ height, width, n_channels = input_shapes[0][1:] return None, height, width, n_channels
[docs] def call(self, tensors, mask=None): """Perform forward pass. Parameters ---------- tensors : list A list of two elements - images to we warped and the displacement vector fields. Their shapes are the following * images to be warped : (batch_size, h, w, 1) * dvfs : (batch_size, h, w, 2) mask : None Returns ------- output : K.Tensor Warped images with the provided dvfs. Shape (batch_size, h, w, 1). """ imgs, dvfs = tensors # dimensions as tensors batch_size = K.shape(imgs)[0] height = K.shape(imgs)[1] width = K.shape(imgs)[2] x_linspace = K.arange(0, width, dtype="int32") y_linspace = K.arange(0, height, dtype="int32") x_coordinates, y_coordinates = K_meshgrid( x_linspace, y_linspace ) # 2 x (height, width) grid = K.tile( K.expand_dims(K.stack((x_coordinates, y_coordinates), axis=2), 0), (batch_size, 1, 1, 1), ) grid = K.cast(grid, dtype="float32") f_x_f_y = grid + dvfs output = resampler(imgs, f_x_f_y) return output
[docs]class DVFComposition(Layer): """Composition of 2 displacement vector fields. Notes ----- Computes the DVF of f ∘ g """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # noqa super(DVFComposition, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): """Compute output shape. Parameters ---------- input_shapes : list A list of the shape of th 2 dvfs respectively. - dvfs_outer: (batch_size, h, w, 2) - dvfs_inner : (batch_size, h, w, 2) Returns ------- None Batch size height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. n_dim : int 2 """ height, width = input_shapes[0][1:3] return None, height, width, 2
[docs] def call(self, tensors, mask=None): """Composition. Parameters ---------- tensors : list A list of two elements - outer and inner displacement vector field. Their shapes are identical and equal to (batch_size, h, w, 2). Returns ------- output : K.tensor A displacement vector field of the composite transformation of shape (batch_size, h, w, 2). """ dvfs_outer, dvfs_inner = tensors batch_size = K.shape(dvfs_outer)[0] height = K.shape(dvfs_outer)[1] width = K.shape(dvfs_outer)[2] x_linspace = K.arange(0, width, dtype="int32") y_linspace = K.arange(0, height, dtype="int32") x_coordinates, y_coordinates = K_meshgrid( x_linspace, y_linspace ) # 2 x (height, width) grid = K.tile( K.expand_dims(K.stack((x_coordinates, y_coordinates), axis=2), 0), (batch_size, 1, 1, 1), ) grid = K.cast(grid, dtype="float32") # (batch_size, h, w, 2) delta_x = ( BilinearInterpolation()( [dvfs_outer[:, :, :, :1] + grid[:, :, :, :1], dvfs_inner] ) - grid[:, :, :, :1] ) delta_y = ( BilinearInterpolation()( [dvfs_outer[:, :, :, 1:] + grid[:, :, :, 1:], dvfs_inner] ) - grid[:, :, :, 1:] ) dvfs_composition = K.concatenate((delta_x, delta_y), axis=3) return dvfs_composition
[docs]class Affine2DVF(Layer): """Given an affine transformation matrix (2 x 3) generate the corresponding DVF.""" def __init__(self, shape, **kwargs): """Construct. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple 2 element tuple (height, width). kwargs : dict Whatever keywords arguments passed intho the ``Layer`` constructor. """ if not len(shape) == 2: raise ValueError("Height and width only need to be passed.") self.shape = shape super(Affine2DVF, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, *args): """Compute the output shape. Parameters ---------- args : list Whatever positional arguments. We already know the expected shape from the `self.shape` passed into the constructor. Returns ------- batch_size : int Always None since we want to allow for variable batch_size. height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. n_channels : int Always equal to 2 because it represents delta_x and delta_y. """ return None, self.shape[0], self.shape[1], 2
[docs] def call(self, a, mask=None): """Turn a batch of affine matrices into the corresponding batch of displacement vector fields. Parameters ---------- a : K.Tensor A tensor of shape (batch_size, 2, 3) representing an affine transformation for each sample. Returns ------- dvfs : K.Tensor A tensor of shape (batch_size, h, w, 2) representing the corresponding displacement vector fields. """ # transformations = K.cast(affine_transformation[:, 0:2, :], 'float32') # regular_grids = self._make_regular_grids(batch_size, *output_size) batch_size = K.shape(a)[0] height, width = self.shape x_linspace = K.arange(0, width, dtype="int32") y_linspace = K.arange(0, height, dtype="int32") x_coordinates, y_coordinates = K_meshgrid(x_linspace, y_linspace) x_coordinates = K.flatten(x_coordinates) y_coordinates = K.flatten(y_coordinates) ones = K.ones_like(x_coordinates) grid = K.concatenate( [x_coordinates, y_coordinates, ones], 0 ) # also with homogeneous coordinates # Add batch_dimension grid = K.flatten(grid) grids = K.tile(grid, K.stack([batch_size])) regular_grids = K.cast( K.reshape(grids, (batch_size, 3, height * width)), dtype="float32" ) # Homogeneous coordinates a_homog = K.map_fn(lambda x: tf.concat((x, [[0, 0, 1]]), axis=0), a) # Compute coords = K.batch_dot(a_homog, regular_grids) coords_delta = coords - regular_grids dvfs = K.stack( ( K.reshape((coords_delta[:, 0, :]), (batch_size, height, width)), K.reshape((coords_delta[:, 1, :]), (batch_size, height, width)), ), axis=3, ) return dvfs
[docs] def get_config(self): """Allow for model to be loaded correctly. We just need to add to the config dictionary all the custom constructor parameters. """ base_config = super().get_config() base_config["shape"] = self.shape return base_config
[docs]class NoOp(Layer): """No operation layer."""
[docs] def call(self, x): """Perform forward pass.""" return x
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): """Compute output shape.""" return input_shape
[docs]class ExtractMoving(Layer): """Extract the moving image from the input."""
[docs] def call(self, x): """Perform forward pass.""" return x[:, :, :, 1:]
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): """Compute output shape.""" return (*input_shape[0:3], 1)
[docs]def block_stn( images, filters=(16, 32, 64), dense_layers=(50,), block_name="STN", return_dvfs=True, return_inverse=True, include_bn_dense=False, include_bn_conv=False, ): """Spatial transformer network block. Parameters ---------- images : K.tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, h, w, 2) representing the batch of images to be warped. The first channel represents the atlas image and the second one is the moving image. filters : tuple A tuple whose length represents the number of convolutional layers and each element represents the number of filters of that layer. Make sure that h % (2 ** len(filters)) == 0 and w % (2 ** len(filters)) == 0 because of max pooling. dense_layers : tuple A tuple whose length represents the number of dense layers after the convolutional layers and each element represents the number of nodes. Note a final dense layer with 8 nodes (number of parameters in the affine transformation) is added automatically everytime. block_name : str Name of the block. return_dvfs : bool If True then also returns the `dsvf` tensor then can later be used for composition. return_inverse : bool If True, then warping applied to the second channel (moving image), otherwise the first image (atlas). include_bn_dense : bool If True, batch normalization is performed after each dense layer layer. include_bn_conv : bool If True, batch normalization is performed after each convolutional layer. Returns ------- warped_images : K.tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, h, w, 1) representing the batch of warped images with the predicted affine transformation. If `return_inverse` True then this is the moving image. Else the reference. dvfs : K.tensor Tensor of shape (batch_size, h, w, 2) representing the batch of delta_x and delta_y displacements. Only returned if `return_dvfs` is True. """ if not dense_layers: raise ValueError("There needs to be at least 1 hidden dense layer.") with K.name_scope(block_name): # h, w = K.shape(images)[1], K.shape(images)[2] h, w = K.int_shape(images)[1], K.int_shape(images)[2] x = images # Convolutions for f in filters: x = Conv2D(filters=f, strides=(1, 1), kernel_size=(3, 3), padding="same")(x) if include_bn_conv: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ReLU()(x) x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(x) # Dense x = Flatten()(x) for d in dense_layers: x = Dense(units=d)(x) if include_bn_dense: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ReLU()(x) a = Dense(6, weights=get_initial_weights(dense_layers[-1]))(x) a = Reshape((2, 3))(a) dvfs = Affine2DVF(shape=(h, w))(a) extract_layer = Lambda( lambda x: (x[:, :, :, 1:] if return_inverse else x[:, :, :, :1]), name="extract", ) warped_images = BilinearInterpolation()([extract_layer(images), dvfs]) if return_dvfs: return warped_images, dvfs else: return warped_images