Source code for atlalign.volume

"""Collection of tools for aggregating slices to 3D models."""

    The package atlalign is a tool for registration of 2D images.

    Copyright (C) 2021 EPFL/Blue Brain Project

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import scipy

from import nissl_volume

[docs]class Volume: """Class representing mutliple slices. Parameters ---------- sn : list List of section numbers. mov_imgs : list List of np.ndarrays representing the moving images corresponding to the `sn`. dvfs : list List of displacement fields corresponding to the `sn`. """ def __init__(self, sn, mov_imgs, dvfs): # initial checks if not len(sn) == len(mov_imgs) == len(dvfs): raise ValueError("All the input lists need to have the same length") if len(set(sn)) != len(sn): raise ValueError("There are duplicate section numbers.") if not all([0 <= x < 528 for x in sn]): raise ValueError("All section numbers must lie in [0, 528).") = sn self.mov_imgs = mov_imgs self.dvfs = dvfs # attributes self.ref_imgs = nissl_volume()[, ..., 0] self.sn_to_ix = [ None if x not in else for x in range(528) ] self.reg_imgs = self._warp() @property def sorted_dvfs(self): """Return displacement fields sorted by the coronal section.""" sorted_sn = sorted( return [self.dvfs[self.sn_to_ix[s]] for s in sorted_sn], sorted_sn @property def sorted_mov(self): """Return moving images as sorted by the coronal section.""" sorted_sn = sorted( return [self.mov_imgs[self.sn_to_ix[s]] for s in sorted_sn], sorted_sn @property def sorted_ref(self): """Return reference images as sorted by the coronal section.""" sorted_sn = sorted( return [self.ref_imgs[self.sn_to_ix[s]] for s in sorted_sn], sorted_sn @property def sorted_reg(self): """Return registered images as sorted by the coronal section.""" sorted_sn = sorted( return [self.reg_imgs[self.sn_to_ix[s]] for s in sorted_sn], sorted_sn def _warp(self): """Warp the moving images to get registered ones.""" return [df.warp(img) for df, img in zip(self.dvfs, self.mov_imgs)] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get all relevant data for a specified section. Parameters ---------- key : int Section number to query. Returns ------- ref_img : np.ndarray Reference image. mov_img : np.ndarray Moving image. reg_img : np.ndarray Registered image. df : DisplacementField Displacement field (mov2reg). """ if self.sn_to_ix[key] is None: raise KeyError("The section {} not found".format(key)) ix = self.sn_to_ix[key] return self.ref_imgs[ix], self.mov_imgs[ix], self.reg_imgs[ix], self.dvfs[ix]
[docs]class GappedVolume: """Volume containing gaps. Parameters ---------- sn : list List of section numbers. Note that not required to be ordered. imgs : np.ndarray or list Internally converted to list of grayscale images of same shape representing different coronal sections. Order corresponds to the one in `sn`. """ def __init__(self, sn, imgs): if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray): # turn into a list imgs = np.squeeze(imgs) imgs = [imgs[i] for i in range(len(imgs))] # checks if len(sn) != len(imgs): raise ValueError("Inconsitent lenghts") if len({img.shape for img in imgs}) != 1: raise ValueError("All the images need to have the same shape") if len(sn) != len(set(sn)): raise ValueError("There are duplicates in section numbers.") = sn self.imgs = imgs self.shape = imgs[0].shape
[docs]class CoronalInterpolator: """Interpolator that works pixel by pixel in the coronal dimension.""" def __init__(self, kind="linear", fill_value=0, bounds_error=False): """Construct.""" self.kind = kind self.fill_value = fill_value self.bounds_error = bounds_error
[docs] def interpolate(self, gv): """Interpolate. Note that some section images might have pixels equal to np.nan. In this case these pixels are skipped in the interpolation. Parameters ---------- gv : GappedVolume Instance of the ``GappedVolume`` to be interpolated. Returns ------- final_volume : np.ndarray Array of shape (528, 320, 456) that holds the entire interpolated volume without gaps. """ grid = np.array(range(528)) final_volume = np.empty((len(grid), *gv.shape)) for r in range(gv.shape[0]): for c in range(gv.shape[1]): x_pixel, y_pixel = zip( *[ (s, img[r, c]) for s, img in zip(, gv.imgs) if not np.isnan(img[r, c]) ] ) f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( x_pixel, y_pixel, kind=self.kind, bounds_error=self.bounds_error, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) try: final_volume[:, r, c] = f(grid) except Exception as e: print(e) return final_volume