Source code for atlalign.nn

"""Architecture generators."""

    The package atlalign is a tool for registration of 2D images.

    Copyright (C) 2021 EPFL/Blue Brain Project

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import mlflow
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.layers import (
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

from atlalign.ml_utils import (

[docs]def supervised_model_factory( start_filters=(16,), downsample_filters=(16, 32, 32, 32), middle_filters=(32,), upsample_filters=(32, 32, 32, 32), end_filters=tuple(), losses=("ncc_9", "grad"), losses_weights=(1, 0.1), n_gpus=1, optimizer="rmsprop", compute_inv=False, mlflow_log=False, use_lambda=False, ): """Create a generic supervised registration unet. The mini blocks going down are: pooling - convolution - activation The mini blocks going up are: upsampling - convolution - activation - merge - convolution - activation The standard block is : convolution - activation Notes ----- If `compute_inv=False`, then: * Inputs: * stacked reference and moving images - (None, 320, 456, 2) * Outputs * registered images - (None, 320, 456, 1) * predicted dvfs - (None, 320, 456, 2) If `compute_inv=True`, then: * Inputs: * stacked reference and moving images (None, 320, 456, 2) * stacked moving and reference images (None, 320, 456, 2) * Outputs * registered images - (None, 320, 456, 1) * predicted dvfs - (None, 320, 456, 1) * predicted inverse dvfs - (None, 320, 456, 1) Parameters ---------- start_filters: tuple The size represents the number of starting convolutions (before downsizing) and the respective elements are the number of filters. downsample_filters : tuple The size represents the number of downsizing convolutions and the respective elements are the number of filters. middle_filters : tuple The size represents the number of standard convblocks in the middle of the net (with the most downsampled feature representation. The respective elements are the number of filters. upsample_filters : tuple The size represents the number of upsample convblocks of the decoder part of the net. The respective elements are the number of filters. end_filters : tuple The size represents the number of standard convblocks in the end of the net. The respective elements are the number of filters. losses : tuple If `compute_inv=False` then * loss to apply to registered images - needs to be a key in the ALL_IMAGE_LOSSES dictionary * loss to apply to predicted dvfs - needs to be a key in the ALL_DVF_LOSSES dictionary If `compute_inv=True` then * loss to apply to registered images - needs to be a key in the ALL_IMAGE_LOSSES dictionary * loss to apply to predicted dvfs - needs to be a key in the ALL_DVF_LOSSES dictionary * loss to apply to predicted inverse dvfs - needs to be a key in the all_DVFS_LOSSES dictionary losses_weights : tuple Weights for each separate loss function (again will be 3 elements if `compute_inv=True` else 2 elements). n_gpus : int Number of gpus to use. optimizer : str or Keras.Optimizer Optimizer to be used. compute_inv : bool If True then also predicting inverse transformation. This is achieved by switching the reference and moving in the input and creating a new keras input out of it. Note that it effects the outputs of the model. mlflow_log : bool If True, then assumes we are inside of an MLFlow run context manager and all input parameters are logged. use_lambda : bool If True, then network includes Lambda layers. Otherwise, not. It is advisable not to include them because serialization is straightforward. Returns ------- keras.Model Compiled model with the desired architecture. See Also -------- To find a custom made generator for these networks see ``. """ # Predifine layers if mlflow_log: mlflow.log_params(locals()) # extract_reference = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, :1], name='extract_reference') extract_moving = ( Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:], name="extract_moving") if use_lambda else ExtractMoving() ) def standard_convblock(x_inp, filters, kernel_size=3, alpha_LR=0.2): x = Conv2D(filters, kernel_size, padding="same")(x_inp) x = LeakyReLU(alpha_LR)(x) return x def dowsample_convblock(x_inp, filters, kernel_size=3, alpha_LR=0.2): x = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(x_inp) x = standard_convblock( x, filters=filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, alpha_LR=alpha_LR ) return x def upsample_convblock(x_inp, x_to_be_merged, filters, kernel_size=3, alpha_LR=0.2): x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(x_inp) x = standard_convblock( x, filters=filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, alpha_LR=alpha_LR ) x = concatenate([x, x_to_be_merged], axis=3) x = standard_convblock( x, filters=filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, alpha_LR=alpha_LR ) return x # CHECKS height, width, n_channels = (320, 448, 2) # aftercrop shape if len(downsample_filters) != len(upsample_filters): raise ValueError( "The number of downsample and upsample filters needs to be the same." ) n_downsamples = len(downsample_filters) if (height % (2 ** n_downsamples)) != 0 or (width % (2 ** n_downsamples) != 0): raise ValueError("Requested downsampling not possible.") inputs_rm = Input(shape=(320, 456, 2), name="reg_mov") if compute_inv: inputs_mr = Input(shape=(320, 456, 2), name="mov_reg") def fpass(inps): """Forward pass.""" x = Cropping2D(cropping=(0, 4))(inps) for f in start_filters: x = standard_convblock(x, f) to_be_merged_list = [x] for i, f in enumerate(downsample_filters): x = dowsample_convblock(x, f) if i != len(downsample_filters) - 1: to_be_merged_list.append(x) for f in middle_filters: x = standard_convblock(x, f) for f, x_to_be_merged in zip(upsample_filters, reversed(to_be_merged_list)): x = upsample_convblock(x, x_to_be_merged, f) for f in end_filters: x = standard_convblock(x, f) x = Conv2D(2, 2, padding="same")(x) x = ZeroPadding2D((0, 4), name="dvf")(x) return x model_copy = keras.Model(inputs=inputs_rm, outputs=fpass(inputs_rm)) dvfs = model_copy.output if compute_inv: copy_layer = ( Lambda(lambda x: x, name="inv_dvf") if use_lambda else NoOp(name="inv_dvf") ) inv_dvfs = copy_layer(model_copy(inputs_mr)) imgs_reg = BilinearInterpolation(name="img_registered")( [extract_moving(inputs_rm), dvfs] ) model = Model( inputs=[inputs_rm, inputs_mr] if compute_inv else inputs_rm, outputs=[imgs_reg, dvfs, inv_dvfs] if compute_inv else [imgs_reg, dvfs], ) if n_gpus > 1: model = keras.utils.multi_gpu_model(model, n_gpus) if compute_inv: losses = [ ALL_IMAGE_LOSSES[losses[0]], ALL_DVF_LOSSES[losses[1]], ALL_DVF_LOSSES[losses[2]], ] metrics = { "dvf": ALL_DVF_LOSSES["vector_distance"], "inv_dvf": ALL_DVF_LOSSES["vector_distance"], } else: losses = [ALL_IMAGE_LOSSES[losses[0]], ALL_DVF_LOSSES[losses[1]]] metrics = {"dvf": ALL_DVF_LOSSES["vector_distance"]} # Compile model model.compile( optimizer=optimizer, loss=losses, loss_weights=list(losses_weights), metrics=metrics, ) model.summary() return model
[docs]def supervised_global_model_factory( filters=(16, 32, 64), dense_layers=(10,), losses=("ncc_9", "grad"), losses_weights=(1, 0.1), n_gpus=1, optimizer="rmsprop", mlflow_log=False, use_lambda=False, ): """Generate a global alignment network. Parameters ---------- filters : tuple Tuple of filter sizes. dense_layers : None or tuple If None then global average pooling applied (the last conv layer needs to have 6 channels). If tuple then represents number of nodes in each respective dense layer. Note that in the background a final layer of 6 nodes is created. losses : tuple * loss to apply to registered images - needs to be a key in the ALL_IMAGE_LOSSES dictionary * loss to apply to predicted dvfs - needs to be a key in the ALL_DVF_LOSSES dictionary losses_weights : tuple Two element tuple representing the weights for each separate loss function. n_gpus : int Number of gpus to use. optimizer : str or Keras.Optimizer Optimizer to be used. use_lambda : bool If True, then network includes Lambda layers. Otherwise, not. It is advisable not to include them because serialization is straightforward. """ if mlflow_log: lcls = locals() lcls["model_type"] = "global_only" mlflow.log_params(lcls) def standard_convblock(x_inp, filters, kernel_size=3, relu=True): """Create a standard convblock.""" x = Conv2D(filters, kernel_size, padding="same", activation="relu")(x_inp) x = Conv2D( filters, kernel_size, padding="same", activation="relu" if relu else None )(x) x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(x) return x def get_initial_weights(previous_layer_size): """Initialize weights such that identity transformation is produced.""" b = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype="float32") b[0, 0] = 1 b[1, 1] = 1 W = np.zeros((previous_layer_size, 6), dtype="float32") weights = [W, b.flatten()] return weights extract_moving = ( Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, :, 1:], name="extract_moving") if use_lambda else ExtractMoving() ) inputs = Input((320, 456, 2)) x = inputs for f in filters: x = standard_convblock(x, f, relu=True) x = Flatten()(x) for d in dense_layers if dense_layers is not None else []: x = Dense(units=d)(x) x = Dense(6, weights=get_initial_weights(dense_layers[-1]))(x) x = Reshape((2, 3))(x) dvfs = Affine2DVF(shape=(320, 456))(x) imgs_reg = BilinearInterpolation(name="img_registered")( [extract_moving(inputs), dvfs] ) model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[imgs_reg, dvfs]) if n_gpus > 1: model = keras.utils.multi_gpu_model(model, n_gpus) losses = [ALL_IMAGE_LOSSES[losses[0]], ALL_DVF_LOSSES[losses[1]]] metrics = {"dvf": ALL_DVF_LOSSES["vector_distance"]} # Compile model model.compile( optimizer=optimizer, loss=losses, loss_weights=list(losses_weights), metrics=metrics, ) model.summary() return model